Unleashing the Power of Spy Apps to Safeguard Children from Internet Addiction


5 min read

Unleashing the Power of Spy Apps to Safeguard Children from Internet Addiction

The emergence of social media’s never ending scroll witnessed an unforeseen addiction to the internet. And now researchers are trying to measure screen addiction based on new studies.

Scientists from the University of Surrey investigated the link between age and internet usage, finding that youth and internet addiction are deeply intertwined with each other.

The researchers who wish to find out problematic internet usage, addiction and its severity, surveyed 796 participants for the study, finding that 24 years or younger average six hours from online. While those older than 24 only spent an average of an hour.

This study when published in the journal of tourism and marketing coincides with the emerging data regarding the negative impacts it has on the mental youth of American youth. In this article we will discuss what are those negative impacts and how spy apps like Onemonitar can help parents to safeguard their children from the negative effects of internet addiction.

Based on the findings the University of Surrey researchers were able to categorize screen users into five groups which are casual users, initial users, experimenters, addicts-in-denial and addicts.

Casual users:

The casual users, which accounts for nearly 14% of respondents and averaged 33 years of age, went online for specific tasks and logged off without lingering, showing no signs of addiction and weren’t interested in using novel apps.

Initial users:

Among 22% aged 26 years on average found themselves “Online longer than they initially planned” and would neglect chores in lieu of screentime.


The experimenters, which accounts for 21% of participants, felt unease or anxiety when not connected to the internet. Once they go online they feel better, the researchers described of experimenters, who were aged between 22 and 24 years and were more open to trying new applications.

Addicts in denial:

This group included about 17% of participants displayed “addictive behaviors” like making relationships on the internet and ignoring real world responsibilities to be online. Yet the technology savants would never admit to feeling nervous when not scrolling through social media.


This group is also called as True addicts, comprising about 22% of participants publicly. Acknowledge their screen dependency and the negative consequences it could have and their daily spending a significantly greater amount of time online than the casual users.

Ways through which spy phone apps like Onemonitar can protect children from Internet addiction:

Call monitoring and recording: OneMonitar can track and record incoming and outgoing calls, including the caller's number, call duration, and time with the hidden call recorder feature.

Text message tracking: This spy mobile app can track incoming and outgoing text messages, including the sender's number, message content, and time. It can also track messages on social media platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Tinder, and more.

GPS location tracking: OneMonitar can track the target device's location in real time. It also allows users to set up geofences, which will send alerts when the target device enters or leaves a specific area.

Social media monitoring: It can also track social media activity on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This can include viewing posts and messages, as well as tracking who the user is following and interacting with.

App usage monitoring: OneMonitar can track which apps are being used on the target device and how often they are being used.

Keylogging: This spy app can log all of the keystrokes that are entered on the target device. This can include passwords, search queries, and chat messages.

Keyword alerts: This spy phone app can send alerts to users when certain keywords are detected in the target device's communications or browsing history.

Some other ways spy apps helps in safeguarding children's Interest while they were on the internet

Protect your child from online predators: WhatsApp is a popular platform for predators to target children, and a Whatsapp Tracker feature of a spy app can help parents identify and block these predators.

Prevent cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is a serious problem, and it can have a devastating impact on children's mental health. A spy app can help parents to identify and address cyberbullying incidents early on.

Monitor your child's online activity for general safety reasons: For example, a parent may want to know who their child is talking to and what they are talking about, or they may want to know where their child is located.

Track your child's location: This can be helpful if you are concerned about their safety or if they go missing. Onemonitar is a spy software that comes with geo-location functionality for this very purpose.

Get insights into your child's social life: This can help you to better understand your child and their relationships with their friends.

Identifying and blocking harmful content:

Spy apps can be used to block websites and apps that contain harmful content, such as adult content, violence, and hate speech.

Tracking online activity:

Spy Phone apps can track children's online activity, including who they are communicating with, what websites they are visiting, and what apps they are using. This information can be used to identify potential problems, such as cyberbullying, online predators, and inappropriate online behavior.

Setting limits on screen time:

Spy apps can be used to set limits on how much time children spend on their devices. This can help to reduce the risk of children becoming addicted to their devices or developing other problems, such as sleep deprivation and eye strain.

Providing parents with peace of mind:

Spy app for android can provide parents with peace of mind knowing that they can monitor their children's online activity and keep them safe from harm.


On a concluding note we can say that addiction to anything will not be able to produce favorable outcomes. The Internet for a modern generation is like a body part which needs to be controlled instead of separating it from the main body. When it comes to controlling the internet addiction of your child then spy phone apps like Onemonitar should be your final destination. As this spy phone app comes with more than 60+ features at affordable prices.